Board of Directors

Linn County REC is governed by seven board of directors, one for each of our seven districts. All directors are Linn County REC members who are elected by the membership through a balloted election in September. The board of directors serve for three year terms.

Kenny Squires

Kenny Squires
Kenny Squires
Vice President
District 1

Kenny Squires

Next Election: 2025

City/Township: Kenneth and his wife Joyce live in Otter Creek Township near Center Point.

Occupation: Farmer, retired Pioneer Seed Corn dealer

Kirk Hiland

Kirk Hiland
Kirk Hiland,
District 2

Kirk Hiland, Treasurer

First elected to Linn County REC board: 2011

Next Election: 2026

City/Township: Kirk and his wife Theresa live in Penn Township in North Liberty. 

Occupation: Real Estate Consultant/Certified General Real Estate Appraiser

Gary Schlotterbeck

Gary Schlotterbeck - Web.jpg
Gary Schlotterbeck,
District 3

Gary Schlotterbeck

First elected to Linn County REC board: 2023

Next Election: 2026

City/Township: Gary lives in Fremont township in Atkins.

Occupation: Retired, HVAC contractor, Owner/Operator Heating Service Company

Other boards/associations: Stone Bridge Church, Deacon of Facilities

Jeanna Sager

Jeanna Sager
Jeanna Sager
District 4

Jeanna Sager, Secretary

First elected to Linn County REC board: 2015

Next Election: 2024

City/Township: Jeanna and her husband Larry live in Monroe Township in Hiawatha.

Occupation: Retired

  • Assistant Supervisor, Mercy Hospital Radiology
  • Manager of Radiology & Radiologic Technologist, PCI
  • Co-owner of Golden Hammer Collision Center

Director certifications: Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD), Board Leadership Certificate (BLC)

Other boards/associations: Member of Iowa Society of Radiologic Technologists, Member of ISRA, MSRA, NSRA Street Rod Association, Member of New Covenant Bible Church

Why do you serve on the Linn County REC board? "I'm devoted, honest and committed to represent the membership and the cooperative. I've been a resident of Linn or Johnson county all my life. I have a great understanding of the people and many of their interests and concerns. I want to be a part of the cooperative I believe in. To work with the other directors and staff to make educated decisions to keep the REC financially and technologically sound now and for future generations."

Lisa Rose

Lisa Rose
Lisa Rose
District 5

Lisa Rose

Next Election: 2025

City/Township: Lisa and her husband Roger live in Linn Township near Springville.

Occupation: Managing Associate, edCount, LLC

Gary Schropp

Gary Schropp
Gary Schropp,
District 6

Gary Schropp, Vice President

First elected to Linn County REC board: 1982

Next Election: 2024

City/Township: Gary and his wife Sue live in Jefferson Township near Swisher.

Occupation: Retired, Part-time home delivery milkman for Dan and Debbie’s Creamery.

Director certifications: Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD), Board Leadership Certificate (BLC), Director Gold (DGC)

Other boards/associations: Shueyville United Methodist Church, Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives - Hawkeye Retirement Board President

Why do you serve on the Linn County REC board? "To represent the co-op members in the management of this growing cooperative."

Ron O'Neil

Ronald O'Neil
Ronald O'Neil,
Asst. Secretary
District 7

Ronald O'Neil, President

First elected to Linn County REC board: 2014

Next Election: 2026

City/Township: Ronald and his wife Jackie live in Cedar township near Solon in Johnson County.

Occupation: Retired from VJ Engineering - General Manager

Director certifications: Credentialed Cooperative Director (CCD), Board Leadership Certificate (BLC), Director Gold (DGC)

Other boards/associations: Cedar Township, Johnson County Trustee, Johnson County I-Club board

Why do you serve on the Linn County REC board? "I serve on the Linn County REC board to represent the members in my district. The board sets policy and provides direction for Linn County REC administration and staff."

Director Qualifications

Members interested in running for a Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative board of director position must meet the qualifications set forth in the cooperative’s articles of incorporation and bylaws.

Board of director requirements are set under Article IX, Section 3 states: “the individual (1) must be a bona fide resident of the district for which he or she is nominated, (2) must hold membership in the Cooperative for at least one year, (3) must be receiving electric service from the Cooperative at the location where he or she resides, (4) must not be in any way employed by or extensively financially interested in a competing enterprise or business selling electric energy or electrical supplies to the Cooperative, or a business primarily engaged in selling electrical or plumbing appliances, fixtures or supplies to the members of the Cooperative, and (5) in the case of a joint membership, either one but not both may serve as a director at any given time, and both joint members must meet all of the other qualifications set forth herein (6) must not be so closely related to any Cooperative employee so as to violate the Cooperative’s Employment of Relatives Policy EP-11, (7) must not be a current or former employee of the Cooperative, and (8) shall not be a convicted felon.

Director Responsibilities

The primary duty of the directors is to establish rules, regulations and policies that guide the operations of the cooperative. They include:

  • Establishing and maintaining corporate existence

  • Trusteeship of member interests

  • Planning and controlling

  • Providing facilities, finances and authorities

  • Time Commitment

Director Time Commitment

Being a board member requires a large time commitment. The average number of hours spent by a Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative board member on a monthly basis is 16-18 hours. This time includes training, participation in legislative activities, keeping up to date on electric utility trends, and preparing for regular board meetings. Board members do receive a per diem for meetings and training.

Members of Linn County REC can run for the board of directors, serve on the nominating committee, and vote for directors at the annual meeting. If you are interested in serving on the nominating committee or running for the board of directors, please contact Robin Pospisil at (319) 377-1587 or toll free at 1-800-332-5420.

Attending a Board Meeting

Board Meeting Attendance Policy and Form

You may contact your board of director by email

The Cooperative Difference

Linn County REC is owned by the people we serve. That's why we call you members, not customers.
We are local - living and working along side you.